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Let "IT" Reside Inside Your Heart

A core part of the prophetic dimension is the ability to create the future that you see in your heart". - Prophet Joshua Giles

I recently began reading a new book. I love reading and even sitting with some of the statements that I come across while reading. It's as if they unlock hidden truths surrounding the topic being discussed. So, during my recent "getaway" trip, which left me without any phone reception, I sat reading "Prophetic Forecast" by Joshua Giles. As I read the above statement, I asked God for revelation concerning the statement. God's revelation is always timely and profound. Something we should take note of and actively pursue. May this word resonate in your heart and God illuminate the hidden jewels that may be applied to your daily walk.


If God speaks a word concerning your future, or grant you great vision regarding what He has in store, yet you fail to accept it into your heart, then you'll mismanage the provision provided and every decision necessary for its attainment - causing delay!

But, if we align our hearts with God's will and purpose, then what's conceived in our hearts will also align. Once birth in our hearts, we're called to steward it until it manifests. This happens by faith through our obedience. But, if it doesn't reside in our hearts, if we don't take captive of the revelation of God, then we can miss or delay the promises of God.

What stops it from residing in our hearts? At the very core: disbelief - the inability to see it happening for you or even the ability to see yourself as worthy enough to receive it.

Satan's job is to bring condemnation to believers. Condemnation extinguishes one's faith. Without faith, it's impossible to believe and therefore receive, leaving God's people impoverished, stagnant, and worse... paralyzing the advancement of the Kingdom. "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven". The advancement of God's Kingdom on Earth cannot happen if God's people are immobilized.

Let the revelation of God, His unique promises, reside in your heart. Contend for them through the bringing down of strongholds, by bringing every thought captive, and by strengthening your faith that you may believe the Word(s) of the Lord concerning you. CONTEND!! Fight for it! Refuse to relinquish!

So, whether spoken directly or through God's prophets, once confirmed, meditate on it daily, pray about it, keep it fresh on your mind, guard it at all costs (ensuring it isn't "plucked up" by seeds of doubt/disbelief) , and steward it by making decisions (through the leading of the Holy Spirit), so at the moment the promise intersects with its appointed time, it manifests according to God's plans.

And let not this word breed condemnation (for there is none to those who are in Christ). If you've mis-stepped, repent and thank God for Christ - our sacrificial Lamb. The price has been paid and we are gifted reconciliation and forgiveness. But, you must repent. There's always room for repentance. Once you've done so, let the Holy Spirit lead you - that you may obtain the promises of God, but most importantly - His Kingdom come.

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing and perfect will." Roman 12:2 (NIV)


1) What has the Lord spoken over you? Record them and meditate on them. Believe them.

2) If you struggle with believing what the Lord has spoken over and to you, sit with God and ask that the Holy Spirit reveals to you fragile places needing healing. This will help you to see yourself as God sees you - WORTHY.

3) How often do you revisit prophetic words spoken over your life? Do it often.



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Writing has always been a passion of mine. From writing my own stories as a child to publishing my first book in 2019, writing has been a huge part of my life. 

I pray that each article invokes introspection and change.

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